Barcala, X., Vinas, M., Ruiz, S., Hidalgo, F., Nankivil, D., Karkkainen, T., Gambra, E., Dorronsoro, D., & Marcos, S.; Multifocal contact lens vision simulated with a clinical binocular simulator. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 2022, 45(6):101716. For more information, click here.
The purpose of this study is to compare the binocular visual perception of participants wearing multifocal contact lenses and these same lens designs viewed through a temporal multiplexing visual simulator.
Visual performance and perceived visual quality at various distances were obtained in 37 participants wearing soft M−CLs and through the SimVis Gekko programmed with the same lenses. In a pilot study (n = 10) visual performance was measured in terms of LogMAR visual acuity (VA) at far (4 m), intermediate (64 cm) and near (40 cm) distances and through-focus VA (TFVA) curves with the simulated M−CLs. In the follow-up study (n = 27), LogMAR VA at far, intermediate and near distances were measured both with the actual and simulated M−CLs. Perceived visual quality was measured in both studies using the Multifocal Acceptance Score (MAS-2EV), and a Participants Reported Outcomes Vision questionnaire. Differences between the metrics obtained with simulated and actual lenses were obtained.
Both actual and simulated M−CLs increased depth-of-focus by a similar amount. Mean LogMAR VA differences with actual and simulated M−CLs ranged between 4 and 6 letters (0.08 ± 0.01, 0.12 ± 0.01 and 0.10 ± 0.01, for far, intermediate and near distances, respectively). MAS-2EV average score differences with actual and simulated M−CLs ranged between −1.00 and + 4.25. Average MAS-2EV scores were not correlated significantly with VA. However, MAS-2EV (average and individual scores) were highly correlated to visual quality questionnaire responses (p < 0.005).
A simultaneous vision simulator accurately represented vision with M−CLs both VA at various distances and perceived visual quality, as measured in a clinical setting. The MAS-2EV metric accurately captured participant reported outcomes of standard vision questionnaires. The combination of SimVis Gekko and MAS-2EV has the potential to largely reduce chair time in M−CLs fitting.