Susana Marcos, PhD


Prof. Dr. Susana Marcos Celestino is an acclaimed researcher in the field of visual optics and ocular imaging. She is a pioneer in the development of new techniques for the evaluation of the eye, including retinal imaging instruments, aberrometers, adaptive optics, anterior segment imaging of the eye and intraocular lens designs. Nowadays, Dr. Marcos is the Director of The Center for Visual Science (CVS) in the Rochester University.

Dr. Marcos earned her Bachelor and PhD degrees in Physics at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Before coming to Rochester, she was Director of the Institute of Optics, Spanish National Research Council, CSIC (2008-2012), Spain, and Professor of Research, where she founded the Visual Optics and Biophonics Lab (VioBioLab) in 2000. Prior to her tenure at CSIC (the top research institution in Spain, and #7 public research institution in the world), she was a postdoctoral Fellow (funded by Fulbright and Human Frontier Fellowships) at the Schepens Eye Research Institute in the Harvard Medical School.

In July 2021, she was appointed Director of the CVS, with dual affiliation in Optics and in Ophthalmology at the University of Rochester. She holds a ‘Viculated Doctorship’ at the Institute of Optics of Spain, where she supervises a multidisciplinary, international team of more than 25 members. Her research programs at the University of Rochester address emerging technologies for myopia, presbyopia and cataract corrections.

Professor Marcos has published more than 180 highly cited research articles, and is the inventor of 20+ patent families (14 licensed to the industry). Her research has been key in spin-off companies Plenoptika and 2EyesVision (which she co-funded in 2015). These companies commercialize the Quicksee and the SimVis technologies, respectively. In addition, Dr. Marcos has supervised 20 doctoral theses and delivered more than 250 talks at international conferences.

Marcos is actively involved in professional societies and has served in various positions at Optica (among many others as Director-at-Large, and currently in the Publications Council), the Spanish Society of Optics, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, and the MIT M + Vision Consortium. She has been an editor for Vision Research, Biomedical Optics Express, Optica (OSA), and Scientific Culture Editorial Board. Marcos has also been President of the Technical Scientific Committee of the National Research Agency, and she is a member of numerous advisory boards in international organizations and companies.




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