Presbyopia can have different corrections for each individual, but there is no one-size-fits-all solution suitable for everyone
When discussing lens replacement surgery for presbyopia correction, communication with patients becomes crucial. The uncertainty surrounding post-treatment vision often leads to difficult conversations. Managing patient expectations is a challenge, and making the right choice from the extensive array of available options is not always straightforward.
As Clinical Development Director at 2EyesVision, Irene Sisó Fuertes recognizes the complexities clinicians face in selecting the most suitable intraocular lens (IOL) for their patients. In this video, Irene provides insights into the diverse possibilities offered by the SimVis Gekko visual simulator.
SimVis Gekko is a revolutionary technology designed to address these challenges. It offers an accurate and personalized experience of premium presbyopic corrections before actual implantation. The device is programmable, binocular, head-mounted, wireless, and cloud-based, providing a see-through, real-world visual experience with a wide field of view. The technology behind SimVis Gekko replicates the optical performance of real IOLs at all distances. A meticulous 3-step validation process ensures accuracy:
- First, we gather information about the optical performance through focus of a specific IOL design;
- Next, computational validation is conducted to compare the through-focus performance of our simulation to that of the IOL;
- This is followed by on-bench validation;
- Finally, a clinical evaluation on presbyopic volunteers.
The SimVis Gekko lens menu boasts a diverse range of IOL simulations, including monofocal, enhanced monofocal, extended depth of focus, increased range of focus, bifocals, trifocals, and more, from various manufacturers. Each addition to the menu undergoes clinical validation, ensuring accuracy comparable to real-world outcomes.
The defocus curves, measured in healthy presbyopic volunteers, demonstrate the performance of each lens simulation. Despite variability across subjects, a common trend within each lens is observed. Clinical validation involves comparing these results to data from patients who have undergone actual IOL implantation.
SimVis Gekko’s extensive menu allows clinicians to choose which lenses to “taste” for their patients. Understanding the performance of multiple IOLs for a single subject is invaluable. Patient education is playing here a key role through visual experiences.

Exploring the performance of various IOLs for a single individual is fascinating. In the first grapgh, this patient tried 7 lenses, showing consistent performance at far and intermediate distances, with notable differences at near. However, this is just one example. In the second picture, two different subjects experienced the same lenses via SimVis Gekko, resulting in varying performances. Subject #5 demonstrated enhanced intermediate vision with the EDOF IOL in red compared to the monofocal simulation in black, while trifocal IOLs showed superior visual acuity at near distances than the EDOF. Conversely, subject number #1 exhibited a naturally increased depth of field, evident in the monofocal simulation in black, leading to no significant performance differences among the lenses. These findings highlight the importance of allowing patients to explore various options before surgery, as individual preferences and visual experiences significantly influence outcomes, even with identical lenses.
The visual simulator can also simulate presbyopic LASIK patterns or multifocal contact lenses
Moreover, SimVis Gekko goes beyond IOL simulations; it can also simulate presbyopic LASIK patterns or multifocal contact lenses. Through a non-invasive personalized assessment, hundreds of patients worldwide have already benefited from this innovative technology.
In conclusion, SimVis Gekko offers a unique opportunity to navigate the vast IOL menu. It allows for preoperative evaluation of the performance and patient reaction to different IOLs, streamlining the decision-making process. The accuracy and scientific validation of the IOL simulations make SimVis Gekko an invaluable tool in the field, bringing the most relevant IOL options directly to your table.
Do you want to know more about this visual simulator?