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  • Closed-loop experimental optimization of tunable lenses (2022)

Closed-loop experimental optimization of tunable lenses (2022)

Sep 19, 2022



Applied Optics 2022, 61(27), 8091-8099


Lopez-de-Haro, A. G., Barcala, X., Martinez-Ibarburu, I., Marrakchi, Y., Gambra, E., Rodriguez-Lopez, V., Sawides, L., & Dorronsoro, C.; Closed-loop experimental optimization of tunable lenses. Applied Optics 2022, 61(27), 8091-8099. For more information, click here.


Tunable lenses (TLs) are optical devices that can change their optical power in response to an electrical signal. In many applications, they are often pushed to or beyond their temporal limits. Fast periodic and/or abrupt variations of the optical power induce undesired distortions in their transient response and produce a decrease in their performance. A low-cost focimetry system, along with a custom closed-loop iterative optimization algorithm, was developed to (1) characterize a TL’s response at high speed and (2) optimize their performance in realistic TL working conditions. A significant lens performance improvement was found in about 23 iterations with a decrease in the area under the error curve and an improved effective time. Applying the closed-loop optimization algorithm in a depth scanning experiment enhanced the image quality. Quantitatively, the image quality was evaluated using the structural similarity index metric that improves in individual frames, on average, from 0.345 to 0.895.

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