Lucie Sawides, PhD
Dr. Lucie Sawides is a Researcher currently working as a Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow at CSIC. With a background in Vision Science and Biomedical Optics, Lucie has made significant contributions in the fields of eye optics, adaptive optics, psychophysics, and retinal imaging. Her research focuses on the study of the human eye using advanced light-based imaging systems and involves the development of optical instrumentation for vision, electronics, and visual simulators.
Lucie’s expertise lies in the investigation of ocular aberrations, high-resolution retinal imaging, and the development of visual simulators for vision correction alternatives. She has a strong publication record, grants, and has participated in research projects with academic and industrial collaborators. Lucie also has experience in student training and tutoring, as well as dissemination activities and technology transfer through her involvement in the founding of the company 2EyesVision.
Lucie Sawides made significant contributions to the research and development of the SimVis Gekko as an Optoelectronics Engineer. Her expertise in optics, electronics, and visual simulation played a crucial role in the development of this innovative technology. The SimVis Gekko is a state-of-the-art visual simulator that provides a realistic and immersive experience for premium presbyopia corrections. Lucie’s involvement in the project contributed to the advancement of vision science and the improvement of vision correction technologies.
Doctorate in Vision Science at the Universidad de Valladolid (Thesis in the Instituto de Óptica, CSIC). 2013 (Spain)
Master Degree (Science and Technology – Biomedical Optics) at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI. 2006 (France)
Engineering Degree in Opto-Electronics (after 2 years of CPGE in Physics and Engineering Science) at the Université de Rennes I, Enssat, Lannion (France); last year in the University Laval, Quebec, Canada. 2005.